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Dr. med. Alessandro Galdi

Specialties and Consultations

  • Specialist in General Internal Medicine, FMH member
  • Sports medicine, SEMS Member
  • Preventive medicine

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    Dr. med. Alessandro Galdi graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1998 from the University of Pavia. A specialist in General Internal Medicine FMH since 2004, he obtained the Certificate of Complementary Training CMPR Laboratory of Medical Practice (AFC-LP) in 2013 and has been a member of Sport & Exercise Medicine Switzerland (SEMS) since 2019.

    In the 1990s, he was a lecturer for the Croce Verde Lugano and Medical Director for the School of Medical Massage Therapists in Lugano, as well as for the Samaritan Association, Lugano Section.

    After graduating, Dr. Galdi gained over twenty years of professional experience working in the most important clinical and hospital facilities in the Canton. He also has extensive experience in emergency medicine and first aid, having served as a volunteer doctor for the Croce Verde Lugano, Tre Valli Soccorso, and the Heli-TV air ambulance service.

    Since 2014, he has run his own independent medical practice, currently based in Porza.

    Since 2018, Dr. Galdi has been the Medical Director of the HC Lugano Academy and, from 2021 to 2023, of the HC Ladies Lugano hockey team.

    Dr. med. Galdi collaborates with all medical and hospital facilities in the Canton. He is an accredited physician at the Clinica Ars Medica and a consultant at the Ars Medica Sports Centre (recognised since January 2023 as a "Sport Medical Base approved by Swiss Olympic"). He is also a member of numerous national medical societies.

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Dr.ssa med. Valentina Bianchi Tables

Specialties and Consultations

  • General Medicine, FMH member
  • Expert in smoking cessation and nicotine addiction treatment, FTGS, ENSP
  • Medical Examiner of Divers (MED), SUHMS member
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    Dr. med. Valentina Bianchi Galdi graduated with honours from the University of Pavia (Italy) in 1995. She conducted immuno-haematological research at the Department of Surgery of the University of Insubria, Varese (Italy), the Department of Biotechnology (DiBiT) at San Raffaele Hospital, Milan (Italy), the Department of Biochemistry at ETH Zurich (Switzerland), and the Experimental Haematology Laboratory at Inselspital, Bern (Switzerland).

    In 2002, she moved to Canton Ticino (Switzerland), where she trained in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology. From 2014, after developing a project on the quality of oncology care (QC3 Project) in collaboration with the Cantonal Cancer Registry and sponsored by Oncosuisse, she focused on healthcare quality within the EOC. She designed and implemented clinical projects and indicators based on international guidelines to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of treatments and medical procedures in hospitals. Working alongside IT departments, she designed and managed clinical databases and registries to achieve international quality certifications in oncology (EUSOMA, DKG) and surgery (AQC/HSM), acting as both a facilitator and supervisor.

    Since 2017, in the field of Tobaccology, she has been a consultant for clinics and hospitals aiming to become tobacco-free healthcare facilities, guiding them in implementing international standards to obtain national and/or international certifications.

    She was the project manager responsible for "ORL towards a smoke-free hospital", implemented between 2018 and 2020 at the Regional Hospital of Lugano, achieving FTGS Membership and Bronze Certification for the institution.

    Dr. Bianchi Galdi holds several national and international certifications in Tobaccology. She is a board member of the FTGS (Forum Tabakprävention in Gesundheitinstitutionen Schweiz) and an Associate Member of the GNTH (Global Network for Tobacco Free Healthcare Services). She actively participates in GNTH as a Senior Jury Member of the Gold Process and has been part of the Lead Team for organising the Gold Forum for two years. In autumn 2021, she served as a Medical Expert Consultant for the new international GNTH strategy.

    She is an Associate Member of the ENSP (European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention) and a member of the ATTUD (Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence, USA). Since 2019, she has been part of the Cantonal Working Group "PAC Prevention of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Related Products", led by the Health Promotion and Evaluation Service of the Cantonal Medical Office in Canton Ticino. Since December 2024, she has been a member of the "Expert Group for Tobacco and Nicotine Cessation" of the Tobacco Prevention Fund (FPT) under the Federal Office of Public Health.

    She is active in research, often acting as the principal investigator, and is the author and co-author of numerous scientific articles and book chapters.

    Since 2018, she has been a lecturer in basic Tobaccology courses for healthcare staff and advanced courses with clinical supervision for the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Tobaccology at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI).

    She co-founded the "Health Education for Young Athletes" project in 2018 alongside Flavien Conne, former Olympic hockey player and Skills Coach of HC Lugano, activated at the HC Lugano Academy and the Ticino Hockey Federation for U13 and U14 Selections.

    As a volunteer, she served as Team Doctor for EHC Winterthur U20 (2022/23 season) and, since the 2023/24 season, for HC Ajoie U20.

    Certified as a Medical Examiner of Divers (MED) and a member of the Swiss Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Society (SUHMS), she conducts fitness examinations for scuba diving.

    Since 2021, she has run her own private practice in Porza and works as a Tobaccology consultant at Centromedico Lugano Stazione. She is accredited at the Clinica Ars Medica  and the Ars Medica Sports Centre (recognised since January 2023 as a "Sport Medical Base approved by Swiss Olympic"). From January 2024, she has also been active in the field of Telemedicine.

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Farah Braga Real

Medical Office Assistant, APG

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